Thursday, March 22, 2007

Dear Cousin,

Hey LinZ! Duh I remember when we played Barbies it was just like yesterday. Well this seems kind of lame but I have been playing this Nancy Drew computer game ALL day. It is way fun! (currently Stay Tuned for Danger ^) You get to be Nancy Drew and you go around solving mysteries. You get like 10 hrs. of game time! It's pretty sweet... It's by herinteractive and guess what there motto is? "For girls who arent afraid of a mouse" Get it? It's like mouse the animal and mouse the computer mouse??? Hahaha! Well it's time for dinner so I will talk to you later! Have fun at dance because I'm guessing you have it. Later!


C. Jane Kendrick said...

I get it! Mouse!

Anonymous said...

Cousin Emily,
Nancy Drew was my heroine when I was growing up. I read EVERY book and thought some day I would grow up to be me a detective. Instead I had your father. Better choice!
Love you!